Sunday, April 1, 2012


Just imagine how the disciples felt that last week they spent with their Master here on earth.  It was a confusing time.  He was telling them all sorts of things they didn't really want to hear, and could not understand.  "I'm going to die, and the third day rise again."  What?

Jesus was preparing them, and He told them that the Holy Spirit would bring the things He was saying to them back to their remembrance.  They would remember, and they would understand.

The message is the same for me, today.

Don't worry.  Just believe in Me, and remember that I am preparing a wonderful place for you, and I'll be back to get you.  I am the Way.  I am the Truth.  I am the Life.  I am God.  

I've given you great work to do.  You must pray, and believe that I am working.  Obey Me.  Trust Me when I tell you that the Holy Spirit will be in you.  

You're not orphans, left to yourselves without resources.  I'll keep loving you and providing for you.  You have the peace that passes understanding, so don't be afraid.   I've told you everything you need to know before it happens, so don't be afraid. 

Jesus told them:  "Satan is coming, and I won't be able to talk to you much longer, but he has no claim on me, because I have been the Perfect, Obedient Son." We know this is true, because He arose!

Keep these words in your remembrance, Christian:

Do not worry.
Do not be afraid.
You'll have a Helper.
I won't leave you alone.
You'll have work to do.
I'll come again and get you, 
& take you to live with me 

                                                                                                              ~From John 14


  1. I am so looking forward to when he rescues me from this Earth, but while I am here I must serve Him. Thankful that if I do get lazy The Holy Spirit is swift to correct me!


Remember that you will give an account for every word. Respond with wisdom and grace, please.