Sunday, December 20, 2009

David - the Liar; A man after God's own heart.

I have an enemy that likes to whisper truths into my mind. Things like, "You're a failure." (I am, definitely. I fail to make my bed most days, for instance. Add a million things to the list and it chalks up to the truth. I AM a failure.)

This enemy then sneers, "You're not much of a Christian, either." (I'm not. I read my Bible most days, but sometimes I don't. I promise to pray for people and forget to do it. I fall into patterns of thinking that are definitely not Christlike. I AM NOT much of a Christian.)

He goes on to announce, "You could be a better wife and mother." (I could be. At this very moment Rick has no socks in his drawer. At this very moment I could be baking muffins for the kids when they wake up, but I am not baking a thing. Again, those are only two examples of my lack of wifely expertise and lack of motherly love out of many, many examples.)

No wonder the creep can say to me, "How can God love YOU? How can He accept you? And what makes you think you will be welcomed into heaven? You are no Jonathan Edwards! You are no Charles Spurgeon! YOU are a SINNER!"

And he is a liar.

See, the truths he insinuates into my mind are only half-truths. While I am a failure, my failures teach me to run to HIM - the One Who Never Fails. When I am a poor Christian, I rest in the fact that Jesus is rich in grace and mercy. As the days whirl past and I realize how little I have accomplished, I remind myself that the truth is that Jesus accomplished it all!!

David is known in the Bible as a man after God's own heart. Yet, after Jonathan told him that King Saul was indeed seeking to kill him, he did not react in faith. He fled for his life, and the first thing he did was to lie to Ahimelech, pretending to be on a secret mission from Saul. The next thing he did was to pretend to be insane so Achish the king of Gath would spare his life.

David lied. David lacked faith. David did not trust God, nor did he wait on Him.

David is an encouragement to me. I make foolish choices, too. I live with the consequences of my decisions, and I suffer hardship because of them. Yet my Father still loves me.

Luke 5:31 And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Jesus called ME - a sinner, a failure in every way. He saved me. He substituted His righteousness for my sinfulness.

Romans 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.

Do you see that? No condemnation. I am set free. Jesus' righteousness is mine! And Satan can go to hell.


  1. Yes, from a worldly perspective you ARE absolutely awful. BUT (I love that word!) from a heavenly perspective you are absolutely PERFECT because of what Jesus has done for those that believe, by faith, in the finished work He has accomplished.

    And Satan not only "can go to hell", Satan WILL go to hell - for eternity, thank you very much, Jesus.

  2. David is one of my favourite people in scriptures. He reminds me that it is not about me being perfect - that's Jesus job! Thankfully!

  3. Yep.

    Now I'm going to post on my blog, and it's going to look like I copied you... :)

  4. That's ok, Linda. God is teaching us the same lessons at the same time, I'd imagine. :D


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